Mother of Two

Monday, November 20, 2006

Things Can Only Get better!

Well things have not been to good at the Dray house this weekend. It started on Friday when the Dentist sent me an appointment for an assessment on my wisdom tooth when I arrived he stated he had no work on that afternoon so he'll pull it out there and then resulting in tooth ache all weekend.
Saturday we got up to find that one of our car's had been broken into, they had broken the window and stolen our C.D play, resulting having to spend the day waiting in for the repair man and wondering why you have insurance as they only want more money off you to claim back what is rightfully yours.
Then Sunday poor Har woke up not well at all and spent the day in a bad way even after a trip to the emergency Doc's, also a loss of sleep for both Bazza and I worrying about him. Been to the doc's again and he got a partial thumbs up we've still got you await some test results so more sleepless nights!
They say bad luck comes in three's so hopefully that's our's done for a while and things will book up fingers crossed.
On a brighter note my Kitchen that as been taking forever should be finished tonight so they say but I'll believe it when I see it!

That's my moaning session over here's a couple of the children creations


  • At 8:53 AM, Blogger Ginco said…

    That's right Tina, stuff and nonsense usually comes in three's, so I sincerely hope you can all relax again :-)
    I wish you a pain free coming week - wisdom teeth are a nasty bunch!! AND I hope Harry's feeling miles better. :-)

  • At 12:31 PM, Blogger Louisiana said…

    oh hon, teeth pain is the worst..we send you kisses better from here.

    i need to get into the dentist myself but i'm such a chicken to go you wouldn't believe it, lol.

    i'm sorry Har is not doing well right now..we will sure pray and hope that it all works out right away. having a child sick is the worst pain and worry any parent can have. my heart to you and Bazza.

    sorry about the car. those idiots who vandalize and inflict horror and dare they do that and yes, what you say about the insurance premiun is true..and how they can do it with the blessings of our govertment is just the cherry on top.

    much love to the family and best wises..

  • At 5:12 PM, Blogger Catch said…

    I am petrified of the dentist! I could have a panic attack just thinking of it! Sorry to hear Har is not up to par...hopefully he is feeling better today. Doesnt it irk you that someone broke into your car, stole your stuff and now you have to pay more money even when you have insurance....its just not fair. Insurance companies...what a rip off.

  • At 3:59 AM, Blogger Nessa said…

    So sorry about your weekend, but maybe you got it all out of the way at once. Hope everyone is feeling better, even your car. The kids are so cute.

  • At 2:02 PM, Blogger the not so "new" mom on the blog said…

    Awwww, I hope it is going better with you and yes you are so right, even down here is SA that saying stands - so hopefully all is over now!!!! Love the pic's


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