Mother of Two

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Time For a Day trip

The Great Yorkshire Show, we only visit the show once a year so have not been able to give it a place in my top 10 but love it so much i had to give it a mention.
It's an absolutely fab day out for the full family, There's lot of animals, stalls and events for the children. For the adults food and alcohol testing what more could you ask for!
We have a bit of a dilemma next year as for some silly reason they hold the show mid week in term time meaning KT will be at school and technically not able to go unless we are naughty parents and take her out for the day.
I'm for taking her out of school for the day as I believe the show is an education itself as there's so much information about how food is produced, how to be healthy and lots of information on the environment and wildlife. Just got to convince the Head Mistress!


  • At 4:25 AM, Blogger Catch said…

    The pics are great....definitely take her out of school for the day..trips with the family are much better for her than sitting in a classroom. When Ash was in high school every once in a while I would let her stay home with me and we would watch movies and just have a girlie day..Im glad we did that, it was fun.

  • At 10:27 AM, Blogger Louisiana said…

    oh my Tina, if you knew how often my kids take the day off for 'cuddle days' or too 'tired days' and 'shopping days' kids are great students and very responsible...sometimes Keka too much..and my parents were so darn strict with me i decided to be much more leniant..They always make up the work immediately and we have a great time...I'm very naughty i sister looks at me with dismay i tell

    The pictures are awesome. You have 2 absolutely gorgeous kiddies..Oh my, you and Bazza make beautiful babies! and the sheep? i will show the kids that pic for sure, they will have a good my kitchen, i have a mop that looks like his hair, for real, ;p

    i love how you take us out with you in your outings, thank you honey.

  • At 1:14 PM, Blogger Nessa said…

    Take them out of school. My daughter remembers these kinds of things alot more than anything she learned in school.

  • At 9:40 PM, Blogger Cherlee's said…

    I love the pics the kids look so happy. And that sheep hahaha love it! I would take her out of school too. I've done that with my daughter and she tells me those were her great memories.

  • At 4:17 AM, Blogger Ginco said…

    The kids are in 7th heaven - the pictures don't lie!!
    I just love that hoity toity looking sheep, haahaha!
    Tina, I don't think it'll be so bad removing her from school for only one day, this is after all so educational for her!! :-)


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