Mother of Two

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday Day Out

Here a couple of views from the car.

Did a family trip to Far Ings a nature reserve in Linconshire. To get there we went across The Humber Bridge. The bridge was once the largest single span bridge in the world and we where all very impressed with it that was till we found out it had put the city into millions of pounds worth of debt and we have to pay a huge toll to cross. To this day the debt is still outstanding .


  • At 7:22 AM, Blogger Louisiana said…

    a nature reserve, wow, that sounds exotic and beautiful. it makes me think of what a trip into the bush in Africa would be like. is that about the same?

    we don't have any tolls in Alberta. but British Columbia, next to us, has. it was a bit weird for me to have to make sure we had change and stuff. definetely something i'm not used to.

    the bridge looks massive. wow. it must be something to be on it. it costs you guys alot and i'm sorry. but it does look like a trip worth all on it's own.

    (soooo happy Blogger let you out again :) ..silly, naughty Dr, John's mantra went a few days ago, But it's free. But it's free.


  • At 7:49 AM, Blogger B.R.L said…

    I thought that the Macinaw[ Not how to spell it] bridgewas the largest. The debt is done and toll not to high but I think the state paid for it. How ever the scenes were nice.
    I just remember your not in the USA. We had a large toll at the beginning but we have a lot of traffic and the toll is now reduced. We had to cross before on boats and that took a lot of time to cross.

  • At 8:56 AM, Blogger Louisiana said…

    oh my sweet Tina, the ignorant was me hon..i was trying to be funny/clever (as usual everything in my head is better than on paper, lol)..the joke is on me angel..sorry..

    i have gone and added english answers..


  • At 10:45 AM, Blogger Tina Dray said…

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  • At 10:52 AM, Blogger Tina Dray said…

    Oh Chana you are such a sweety it was very kind of you to do that for me!

    your post was very funny and the spanish kept me guessing which made it more fun!


    The nature reserve we visited is mainly to promote bird life.It is full of lakes and reed beds with little hide's to sit in and watch. Will post some pic's tommorow.

    would really love to visit an african reserve and go on safari it's one of my dreams

  • At 10:58 AM, Blogger the not so "new" mom on the blog said…

    We pay toll fees on all our national roads here - it costs a bloody fortune and the worst part is the roads are not in good condition - makes you wonder where all that money goes????? Hope you guy's had fun at the Nature Reserve!

  • At 11:03 AM, Blogger Nessa said…

    That's cool.

  • At 1:06 PM, Blogger Catch said…

    Beautiful pic Tina! Sounds like a wonderful day!

  • At 12:10 AM, Blogger Louisiana said…

    (your worth every language sweet, lool..besides it was weird of me, lol-even more than muy usual)

    thank you for sharing what the family experienced there and saw.. the reserve sounds like a great place..i'm always telling Joe that you guys have access to so many wonderful places to visit as a family...we have so little of that here..we think it is because it is oil rich, the sense of community is not the city's first priority or second or third..

    i would love to go to Africa and on to a that is something that no matter how special and beautiful i know it would be, the actual experience would just be, i'm sure, more than i could have ever expected...


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